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Technical assistance

RES Assistance dépannage rapide dans toute l'Europe tous types de véhicule

RES Assistance

RES Assistance  provides you with responsive and professional troubleshooting  in the entire Europe !

We do our best to repair your vehicle on site. If this proves to be impossible, we provide towing to a repair garage. We take care of EVERYTHING, so that you have as little stress as possible (administrative part, supervision and coordination of work,...)

We guarantee you the

MOBILITY SERVICE , which will allow

all occupants of the vehicle, to be able to get back on the road as soon as possible.

If necessary, other measures can also be taken, such as:

- accommodation

- cash advance

- transport booking

We find the best solutions to minimize the downtime of your vehicle.


- A team of multilingual specialists  24/7
- A European network of troubleshooters and repairers
- Responsiveness & professionalism
- Assistance for all vehicles and all services related to mobility

RES Assistance spécialise du Poids-Lourd en panne dans toute l'Europe.

Truck Assistance

RES Assistance,

the roots of truck assistance.

There is nothing worse for a transport company than a broken down truck.

A TRUCK out of service  



The consequences are multiple:

- late delivery

- problem with customers

- loss of goods...

Our convenience stores do  the MAXIMUM to solve the breakdown of the truck, whatever engine, tire or your vehicle on site. If this proves to be impossible, we provide towing to a repair garage. We take care of EVERYTHING, so that you have as little stress as possible (administrative part, supervision and coordination of work,...)

Dépannage Camion Poids lourds en Alsace RES Assistance Haguenau Colmar Mulhouse Saint-Louis

We find the best solutions to minimize the downtime of your vehicle.


- A team of multilingual specialists  24/7
- A European network of troubleshooters and repairers
- Responsiveness & professionalism
- Assistance for all vehicles and all services related to mobility

RES Assistance Haguenau Alsace France Portugal Espagne Dépannage remoquage rapatriement de tous types de véhicules. Spécialiste poids lourds

RES Assistance (Route Europe Service) 
Sarl with capital of €125,000

2 rue Chompré 67500 HAGUENAU - France
RCS Strasbourg 500 653 191 – APE 8220Z
Intra-community VAT number FR42500653191

SIRET 500 653 191 000 14

Multilingual Call Center

RES Assistance (4).png

+33 (0)3 88 06 78 88

68 Point Com' Burnhaupt-le-haut Agence de communication Mulhouse Création de site internet

© 2022 RES Support. Website created by 68PointCom'

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